Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to start and run your own consulting firm

I gave a talk last night at Columbia Business School on how to start and run your own consulting firm.

Here are the slides I used. I'm working on a handbook with a set of practical actions that will be a lot more comprehensive that these slides. I expect to post that handbook here on the blog within the next few weeks.

I'll also be answering the questions that attendees included on the feedback form (which is also included below the slides).

One answer: the library in Manhattan with fantastic electronic resources is the Science, Industry, and Business Library, part of the NYPL system. It is at 34th and Madison. To access the electronic documents, you need to go in person to the resource center downstairs. Bring a USB drive to take home your files. They have free analyst reports via a service called either Investext or Multext, which is owned by Thompson Reuters.

How to start and run your own consulting firm -

I always find it helpful to collect feedback when giving a talk. Here is a form I developed which I think works pretty well. I hand it out at the beginning of the talk and make it clear how helpful the feedback will be.

Feedback form -

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